Interim Management

Do you have an unforeseen vacancy at CIO/CDO or IT management level or do you need temporary management reinforcement?

Do you need additional management quality at short notice for time-sensitive special projects or transformations?

As an interim manager, I will temporarily lead or strengthen your organizational area until the task has been successfully implemented.

Vacancies or management problems at the IT management level can quickly have serious consequences for the operational management or transformation of a company.

As a temporary manager, I can bridge your staff shortages at management level or lead your special project to success. I am of integrity, resilient, crisis-proof and stay the course even in challenging corporate situations.

Application scenarios:

  • Bridging a vacant management position until it is filled again
  • Management of a strategic transformation project
  • Transferring your project from "rough seas" to "safe harbour".

Possible tasks:

  • Management of transformation programs or restructuring
  • Leading organizational reorganization or sourcing programs
    - insourcing/outsourcing
    - development of "captive" organization
    - implementing cost reduction programs
  • Planning and implementing post-merger IT integration
  • Designing and implementing IT carve outs

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